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Cambodian relations

I have volunteered in Cambodia for sixteen years across three not-for-profit groups:


running water project - current and ongoing - website below (2016 ongoing)

Toward Equitable Entanglements - comprised the activities of intervention 3 from my PhD research - scroll down and/or navigate to page titled Toward Equitable Entanglements  (2017-2019)


Teachers Across Borders Australia Inc. - scroll down (2005-2022)

running water project

Toward Equitable Entanglements  

My long-term involvement in the education system in Cambodia enabled me to design and implement intervention 3, part of the practice led research for this PhD. Through the Teachers Across Borders Principal’s Leadership and Administration workshop in June 2016, I met the principal Mr Lim KimEang of Kuok Nguon secondary school. While offering to fix the well at his school and provide running water to the toilets, he told me he needed a school building. This was the impetus for intervention 3.

I also arranged for a series of ten workshops on project management  to be conducted with the planning department of the Provincial of Education in Kampong Thom. 

As a result of these developing relations the Australian and Cambodian co-workers became one group and collaborated to fundraise and project manage a second classroom building in another rural village.

Teachers Across Borders Australia Inc.

As a co-founding member of Teachers Across Borders Australia Inc. I have conducted programmes of workshops for Cambodian teachers, teacher trainees and principals in pedagogy and content aligned with the Cambodian National Curriculum.  I have personally offered workshops in Science, Physical Education as a method for teaching and a Train the Trainer programme. This last workshop offers Cambodian teachers the skills to run their own workshops in the future. I served on the board for 14 years in a range of positions including Executive Director for six years and Deputy Executive Director for eight years.

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